‘18.994: Seminar in Geometry’

Table of contents

  1. Course Info
  2. Realistic Prerequisites
  3. Subject Matter
  4. Course Staff
  5. Problem Sets
  6. Exams
  7. Resources
  8. Grading
  9. Advice to Future Students

Course Info

Class Size 11
Hours/Week 9.9 (8 responses)
Instructors Deng Qin
Overall Rating 5.6/7.0

Realistic Prerequisites

  • Prior knowledge of topology, differential geometry, and multivariable calculus were all very helpful.
  • Even without these softer prerequisites, it was possible to succeed with interest and willingness to learn the material.

Subject Matter

  • Students agreed the material was theoretical and deep.

Course Staff

  • The consensus was that the course staff were very understanding and helpful.

Problem Sets

  • Students found the PSets appropriately challenging, but also interesting and creative.


  • There were no exams.


  • The course used the textbook A Course in Minimal Surfaces by Colding and Minicozzi.
  • Many felt the textbook was not very clear, but did help sometimes.


  • Students thought grading was fair and reported most students expected As.

Advice to Future Students

  1. “Very important to stay caught up at the very beginning of the semester.”
  2. “This class is a lot of work, only take if you are comfortable with geometry or if you are willing to put in extra time to learn the material.”
  3. ”This was a really enjoyable course! I highly recommend taking it for your CI-M requirement if you have any interest in geometry.”