‘18.100A: Real Analysis’

Table of contents

  1. Course Info
  2. Realistic Prerequisites
  3. Subject Matter
  4. Course Staff
  5. Lectures
  6. Problem Sets
  7. Exams
  8. Resources
  9. Grading
  10. Advice to Future Students

Course Info

Class Size 33
Hours/Week 8.9 (15 responses)
Instructors Malo Jezequel
Overall Rating 5.8/7.0

Realistic Prerequisites

  • Students believe the content of 18.01 and 18.02 is required, and recommend having practice with proof writing.

Subject Matter

  • Most thought the content was very theoretical.

Course Staff

  • Course staff were willing to answer questions.
  • Students wished there were more course staff to host more office hours.


  • Most students did not find the lectures helpful, and ended up learning the most from psets and the textbook.

Problem Sets

  • Students found the psets to be comprehensive, and the correct level of difficulty.
  • Students spent 6 to 8 hours a week completing these psets.


  • Students found that the exams were much easier than the problem sets, but graded much stricter.
  • Exams did not require a lot of creativity.


  • Students used the textbook (Lebl’s Basic Analysis) and class recordings.


  • Grading was described as fair for psets, and harsh for exams.
  • Students were unsure of grade cutoffs for the course.

Advice to Future Students

  1. “Definitely take this class! I was afraid of pure math before taking it and I really liked it.”